Next month we will mark the four year anniversary of when most experts agree the global economic crisis began. Although it is an inauspicious occasion as with most troubled times there are lessons we can learn as we go through the struggle as well as many good things we can take with us whenever things finally recover - which is anyone's guess.
If you're like me over the last four years you have done a lot of analyzing, reflecting, soul searching and planning while realizing that many of the things that you thought were essential really aren't. When we are forced to make sacrifices we often find that all we have is all we really need. The 80's, 90's and early 00's taught us to live extravagantly and well beyond our means. We did it, corporations did it, and lending institutions did it, just to name a few. It has taken a long time to clean up our mess but I sense that we are getting close to exiting this crisis. In a much better state of mind than we were before it began.
I don't know if the prosperity of past decades will ever return to the degree we enjoyed in decades past. Whether it does or not I believe we have all learned to enjoy what we have and appreciate our opportunities to a degree that we never would have had we not experienced the hardships of the last four years. More than that, I believe we have become much more dependent on our families, coworkers and others who challenge us to be our best. I am much more apt today to appreciate the times I have to collaborate with coworkers, enjoy free time with my family and to draw everything from this life I can through diligent effort. Another way to say it is I am not afraid to work harder, love better and enjoy every day because I am grateful for each and every opportunity I have.
Call me old school but I think this crisis can and has made us better people. Our selfishness and overbearing behavior has been taken away from us and we are forced to be more others focused, compassionate and dare I say kind? Yes, I sense and overarching desire amongst us all to be more helpful and considerate in all of our relationships.
With a little more gratitude and a little more kindness driving our thoughts, behaviors and actions I am excited to see what the next few months and years will look like. It's a fascinating study that bears watching as each day we try to give a little more of ourselves to those around us. I for one believe that we have more of an opportunity to positively impact the future than at any other time in my life. What will your contributions be today? Tomorrow? This fall? 2013? We all have a lot to give and a little from each of us will have future implications beyond our ability to gauge.
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