Eric's Remac Ink Blog

Thanks for taking time to visit my weekly blog. Every Thursday I post what I hope is a thought provoking article that I hope will add value to your personal life as well as your business life. I hope that you will like it enough to like, comment and share with many of your friends and colleagues.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Addition by Subtraction

This week a friend who was way too young died as a result of bleeding on his brain.  This time last week he was alive and well.  On Monday he was gone.  Many of you may have had a lot more experience dealing with sudden and unexpected losses in your life.  Fortunately for me, I have not.  It hurts like crazy and I am having a hard time answering questions like "why him?" 

Whether it's a life changing loss or something forgotten by the end of the day none of us like to give up something (or someone) we rely on and think is absolutely necessary for our well-being.  When it comes to the life changing events we find that there are truly very few things we really need.  Health is certainly at the top of the list.  Loss is hard.  Change is hard.  Yet, through our struggles we grow stronger.  This is true in life, friendships and business. 

What's true in nature is true in our lives as well.  Sometimes in order to grow in to the full measure of what we were created to be we have to be pruned in order to achieve full growth.  Pruning hurts and nobody ever wants to go through it.  Oftentimes people look at change as pruning.  There are people that would rather hide in a closet than have to experience change.  Even those who say they like it are not totally comfortable with it because with change come uncertainty.  Is it really possible to embrace pruning and change?  Candidly, I'm not sure.  I am sure that the closer we can get to that state of mind the better we will be able to succeed after change, loss or pruning has come.

There may be some changes that you never fully recover from.  My friend's wife of 27 years will never stop missing her husband and his children their father.  Knowing them though I know that through their hurt they will find the ability to gain strength and live life better in spite of their pain.  This is an inspiration and a challenge to me.  Not only does it minimize what I think my problems are but it shows me that love, determination and faith triumphs tragedy.  I cannot think of a better example of living life to its fullest than that.

I have heard it said that the only thing certain in this life is change.  We may not like it but I am challenged after this week to look at it differently.  Life isn't fair, life isn't always easy.  If we count our blessings, determine to thrive as we go through difficult times and find ways to create some good out of those times then we will successfully find that though we may bruised and beaten we are not defeated.  Conquer your challenges and embrace uncertainty my friends!  Add what only you can as you go through your trials and tribulations.  If you do, everyone wins. 

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