Eric's Remac Ink Blog

Thanks for taking time to visit my weekly blog. Every Thursday I post what I hope is a thought provoking article that I hope will add value to your personal life as well as your business life. I hope that you will like it enough to like, comment and share with many of your friends and colleagues.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Right is Wrong

Ever since I started helping my dad unpack and repack shoes to ship them to customers in our garage - almost 40 years ago - I have heard a saying that we have all heard thousands of times.  The customer is always right.  There's no denying the truth behind that statement or the wisdom to be heeded in hearing it again today.  Even if you know you're right, if your customers don't agree with you you're wrong.  Being wrong in today's marketplace is not good for your financial well being.  It is peculiar then that I see an increasing number of people so focused on being right all the time, even, or should I say especially, at the expense of making sure the other person is wrong.  It's a zero sum game that's getting far too much play - in the midst of an economic environment with enough challenges of its own.

Whatever happened to doing unto others, turning the other cheek and staying humble?  And for goodness sake where has customer service gone?  I think it all boils down to an attitude of "me first" and/or "looking out for number one."  I guess if your goal is to always be right and always be first then you can jump on the bandwagon.  I hear it's lonely at the top, though.

I believe the better answer is to continue to serve others and to help other people meet their needs.  I am convinced that this is the way to live a productive and happy life.  I can tell you first hand it is sorely needed in the business world and the society in general these days.  I find that the novelty and sincerity of it actually attract people and make them want to be your friend and/or to do business with you.  I wish I could come up with a better quote on my own but this is one that cannot be matched or duplicated.  Zig Ziglar said it many, many years ago:

"You can have EVERYTHING in life you want if you are willing to help enough other people get what THEY want."

Marinade on that one a while.  It is simplistic and yet it is very profound.  How might you use it today to positively impact your relationships at home?  At work?  With customers?  With strangers?  It is a line of thinking and a lifestyle worth pursuing and investing in. 

I spent a lot of time in my younger years trying to be right a lot (all the time).  Some of the adjectives that described my attitudes were: paranoia, jealousy, anger, moodiness.  You get the picture.  I want to be very clear that I have not "arrived" yet but where I am striving to get to is putting other people first more often.  On the occasions when I do, here's the adjectives that come to mind: compassion, kindness, selflessness, humility, patience, peace of mind, relaxed.  I like the way that sounds and feels a lot better. 

So, I am trying to devote more and more of my time to being less right and staying aware of opportunities to help and serve other people.  You can choose to stay focused on yourself - but that would be completely wrong. 

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