A lot of times I sit down to write this weekly post and the content just kind of flows. I have a general idea what I'm going to discuss and then I get a little inspired and the rest just kind of happens. This week I feel compelled to cover the unspeakable events from last week in Newtown, Connecticut, although I have never sat down to write a post with less of an idea what to say than I am today.
I am also asking myself why write about this? What value is there in discussing a deeply emotional and personal matter? How does it apply to my business associates, customers and contemporaries within and outside my industry? The answer is, at least at this moment, I have no idea. Maybe it's just therapy for me to express my shock and horror. I hope reading these words provide some ideas or maybe a little therapy for you.
I am the father of three teenage kids. I cannot imagine ever having to go through a similar tragedy with one of my kids. Unfortunately, I know many that have and I think that is one of those situations that you just don't know how to deal with it until you live through it. The human spirit is an amazing thing. Like any other parent and like some teachers and administrators did last week, I would sacrifice my life for any one of my kids without a second thought. It's human nature. We look out for those who cannot look out for themselves. Especially those we love.
There is a hard question that we need to know the answer to. The frustrating part is in a situation like this the question of WHY? doesn't have an answer. News and Social Media try to dig and find clues in to the lifestyles and personalities of assailants in these situations to see if we can form clues as to what could lead them to such heinous conclusions. The more we find out, the less sense it makes. And the angrier we get because someone has to get the blame.
Politicians, talking heads and people at the water color will now debate how to prevent these types of tragedies in the future. As our president deftly pointed out in his emotional address to the country, we have had to deal with far too many of these types of tragedies is recent years. All of us our interested in being part of the solution and many of us have or will weigh in on our stance regarding some of the issues that must be addressed such as gun control.
I have no interest in taking up such debate here. My interest is much more foundational and based upon principles that have been around as long as man has inhabited the earth. We have to reach out to others - especially those who are hurting - and show them we care. It's not easy. It's not convenient. It's not comfortable. It is paramount to helping not only those who are hurting but also to stop hurting others who are helpless.
These issues could be discussed for far longer and in far more detail than I can go in to in a few short paragraphs. I really don't know how to begin or end this topic. There are many more questions than answers. Arguments than resolutions. Problems than solutions.
I do know that as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and a New Year that we must aspire to be better to each other for the benefit of our schools, our states and our country. It's simplistic and perhaps a bit trite but to get back to basics I think Lennon and McCartney had it right:
All you need is love
Love is all you need
And as Old Ebeneezer said when realizing the error of his ways: God Bless us all!
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