I want to thank everyone for your nice comments about my blog. Many times when I am at industry events or with business associates they mention my blog to me. This is very gratifying and humbling to me. I'm just a guy with a keyboard and although I have always enjoyed writing I certainly do not profess any expertise or ability above anyone else. It seems to me more and more that an attitude of gratitude is a great way to, borrowing from Mr. Carnegie, win friends and influence people. If my weekly posts are helpful and inspirational, as some have said, then that affirmation gives me all the reason I need to keep writing this little post every week
I am privileged to work with people that have as great a passion for my business as I do. I NEVER take this for granted. Like most every other business in the world the last several years we have been through some challenging and difficult times. It has made us question and question again whether we have what it takes to survive in the future. This is still a work in progress but I am happy to say that we are emerging from the most challenging days our business has experienced in 34 years with a greater resolve and a more focused approach to the future than we've ever had. Believe me, we still have a lot of work to do and we are by no means past all of the challenges that lie ahead.
What has forever changed as a result of these difficulties, however is our attitude towards the future and how we work each and every day. We are determined to make every day a great day and in doing so give women more opportunities to feel fabulous. This is why we come to work each day. This is why we endure difficulties and celebrate victories. It is a cause bigger than all of us individually but one that we have committed ourselves to each and every day. Has it made a difference? OH YEA!!
It hasn't diminished the challenges, we are still far from perfect and we certainly haven't solved the world's problems. We've just made significant strides in the one thing in this world we have control over individually and collectively as a company - our attitudes and the culture we choose to work in every day. It really has made a difference that I believe is being played out not only within the walls of our office but in every touch point of our business.
Let me give a quick example. A few months ago we started answering our phones with an enthusiastic "it's a GREAT DAY at J. Renee'!" The response from people on the other end of the phone has been enthusiastically positive, to say the least. In some small way, whether the call is to ask a question about our business, complain about a mistake we may have made or (hopefully) to place an order, we have lightened the mood and made that customer feel better having called us. We're having fun, they're having fun and we are fulfilling our mission to give women (and men) more opportunities to feel fabulous!
I wonder what small ways you can come up with to do the same thing for your customers would be? We are thinking of them all the time. And having a lot of fun doing it.
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