Like most of you, I recall fondly the Christmases and holiday times of my childhood. I guess I'm getting old and can say it was a lot better and more fun when Christmas wasn't so commercialized and every time you settled down to watch Frosty the Snowman or the Little Drummer Boy on television you weren't accosted by holiday ads from retailers trying to "out sale" their competitors. I must say, however, I am amused by some of the creative names that companies have come up with to call their sales during this time of year - not!
Over the last few years of definitely the most significant economic crisis of my lifetime I have learned first hand how to budget my time, money and resources in such a way where I can honestly say there are very few things that I don't already have that I really need. Health? Check. Beautiful and wonderful wife? Check. Three great kids? Check. A business that I love with all of my heart and can't wait to get to every morning (even though it might have been more fun when we were making more money)? Check! People that I love to work with and that challenge me to be a better person? Check. I could go on but you get the point. So what was it I was saying I really needed? How about you?
I don't mean to be ignorant or irresponsible. I definitely recognize that many people this Holiday are out of work and there is great need all around us that is waiting to be met by those of us who are blessed with so much. I can never do enough but I must do my part - and so must you. The holidays are a great time to count our blessings and share our blessings with others and a lot of people do just that. It's easy to donate time and money to wonderful organizations that help people enjoy the holidays a little bit more.
A couple of years ago my wife and I took our kids on Christmas morning to help feed homeless people a hot prepared meal and to pass out some coats, socks and other daily necessities. Without the generosity of the church and the volunteers that Christmas morning the people we served would have had no other means to enjoy the food and necessities that were provided that day. Christmas to them would have been just another day like every other day.
As we helped to serve the hundreds of people that came through the doors that chilly morning I was struck by the fact that we were practically tripping over the other volunteers that came out that morning. What a wonderful thing that so many people would give up a few hours of their Christmas morning and early afternoon to help those less fortunate. I also couldn't help but think as I looked out over the throng of volunteers, I wonder how many of these people will be back here on January 25th, February 25th and every other month of the year?
Like I said, if we allow ourselves to consider how much need there is around us we can easily become overwhelmed and feel as though our minute contributions don't matter. I'm sure if we're honest a lot of us would have to admit that's what holds us back. What if, however everyone had that attitude and there was no one to lend a hand? Thank goodness, that's not the case. So my challenge to all of you is to do something - anything! Don't worry about the outcome and don't look for or expect any rewards. I can't tell you what to do or how to do it but I can promise you this from my own experiences. When you get outside of yourself in this way it's a little scary - and totally invigorating!
Once you take the first step the ones following get easier as you move along. By the time you're finished you will be filled with a feeling that I cannot explain but can only recommend. Along the way, you will see things that will inspire you and things that will break your heart. Most importantly, you will see that we are all created alike and each of us has a lot more in common than we have things that separate us. Most importantly, you'll find the greatest gift you can receive on this earth. The gift of giving. May you be blessed with a renewed spirit of giving both now in the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year 2012.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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