Don't feel too sorry for me - I have three teenagers of my own to keep me company. They came home Sunday afternoon from other people's houses where they spent the weekend. There was a lot of napping going on Sunday afternoon during the football games.
It wasn't that hanging around with teenagers was an unusual experience, as previously mentioned. It is a little unusual to have eleven 13 year olds amped up on sugar and adrenaline spending the weekend. Boy, did my house go from chaotic in the morning to tranquil in the afternoon. As with everything, there were lessons to be learned from the weekend. I will avoid any religious discussions and focus on the life lessons I learned.
I try to always be thought provoking and insightful with my posts. This week, I have to confess I don't believe I am either. I do believe, however that we can all learn from any situation we find ourselves in. This weekend for me was no exception. Here are the huge take aways I am focusing on this week and encourage you to do likewise:
- Laugh more
- Worry less
- Have fun
This weekend, go laugh a little. Don't focus on your worries - count your blessings. Among mine are my eleven new friends who taught me a thing or two. I wonder what they're doing this weekend?