Many times in this forum I have referred to an anecdote my father has articulated to me perhaps more than any other. Those of you that know him know he has a lot of them, many of which would be inappropriate to share publicly. I am fairly sure he has used this one to inspire me to greater achievements although as those who know him will attest he has a way of saying things that make you really wonder what he's really thinking. Anyway, the somewhat famous utterance "If it was easy, anyone could do it" comes to mind as I embark on this week's missive.
All of that to set up the thought that in spite of all of the negativity in the media, bad economic news and the promise of a summer and early fall of political rhetoric that will numb all of our minds, opportunities exist all around us. Everywhere you look in almost every situation there are opportunities. Not just small, insignificant ones either. In fact, I suggest there are HUGE opportunities all around us, all the time.
Indeed, many of the world's most admired companies were launched in the midst of an economic recession. Microsoft, Amazon, MTV and Fed Ex are just a few examples of companies with indisputable success that were conceived and launched when many people were more focused on cutbacks and survival. What are the differences between those who find opportunity in the midst of down times versus those who would rather bury their head in the sand and hope for better days ahead? In a word vision. They see the same things everyone does but they act and react differently than most. Anyone can SEE an opportunity but very, very few are willing to SEIZE an opportunity. To seize an opportunity you have to not only be creative but also a problem solver and most importantly make life easier for your customers, perhaps in ways they don't even know they need.
Let me say that if you are committed to doing things the way you have done them for (insert adjectives that describe a long period of time) then you might as well disregard the rest of this article. Change is the new normal. It isn't going away and it doesn't have to be scary. I am willing to bet that whatever your job is the way you do it today is radically different than they way you did it even just a couple of years ago. Why? Because new products, processes and efficiencies have made it so. More than that, game changing ideas have changed the way we live. Who would have dreamed 25 years ago that we would stand in line and pay $5 for a cup of coffee and that a visit to the local mall would be more about buying the coolest new gadgets versus shopping for clothes which can much more easily be bought on those gadgets.
Study any of the companies and their leaders listed above and you see what separates them from the rest of us. Herein lies the challenge for this week. First, failure is a distinct possibility. I addressed overcoming the fear of it in a recent post. Next, discipline is a must. Lack of it has led to many a failed dream or idea. Next, realize that by deciding to seize your opportunity you are crossing the bridge from concerned to committed. Commitment along with discipline will determine your outcome. Finally, realize that along with the failures you will encounter, the discipline and determination you need to reach your dreams and seize your opportunity takes time. Often times years instead of weeks or months.
In times like these there are opportunities to really seize your dreams. Will you be one of those who believe in yourself enough to make a difference? The older I get the smarter my dad gets.